
From Mid-May to September on Wednesdays, starting at 6.30pm from Blackrock Diving Tower in Salthill

The club open water sessions will generally be split into groups depending on distance you are wanting to swim with the 2km swimmers entering the water first etc. Wetsuits are mandatory for all club sea swims and we recommend you bring warm clothes for afterwards as it can get very chilly if the wind is blowing / sunset in the later months. There are swim distance markers setup between May and October of each year and they are located at 100m, 250m, 500m, 750m, and 1km distances from Blackrock Tower

As per Triathlon Ireland Guidelines, the water temperature needs to be above 13.5 for us to start swimming and as soon as we get above this the open water swims will begin on the first Wednesday. Swims are weather dependant and could be cancelled if any weather warnings are issued by Met Éireann or the Life Guards close the beach


Blackrock Beach And Diving Tower, Salthill Road Lower, Galway


In addition to the regular club swims at Seapoint, club members regularly organize non-official open water swims at Blackrock and Grattan beach via the Meet and Greet WhatsApp Group. Please keep an eye out if you are interested or post up if you are heading out.

If you are swimming outside the safety of a club session, please familiarize yourself with safety guidelines listed below before doing so and never swim alone.

If you have any questions regarding Open Water swimming, please contact our Swim Coordinator Sarah McNamara.